Natural phenomenon of blue fire of Ijen crater
Getting to know Mount Ijen Volcano , which is located in Banyuwangi, East Java, the name of this mountain is located in two regencies, namely Banyuwangi Regency and Bondowoso Regency and there is a natural phenomenon that only exists in two in the world, namely the Ijen blue fire phenomenon which can be enjoyed by all tourists, both local and foreign, which may currently be a popular destination for tourists.and to reach this place there are several things that need to be considered before you visit this tourist spot, including not having a history of respiratory disease.

how to reach mount ijen
To reach this place, you cannot use the available car rental transportation, motorbike transportation, and you can also start from anywhere directly, such as from Bali Banyuwangi or from Bondowoso, and many tourists depart directly from Bali to enjoy the beauty of this natural phenomenon without having to stay in Banyuwangi.and for greater efficiency, you can stay in Banyuwangi because it is considered closer and more flexible for visiting the panorama and enjoying the natural beauty of Ijen.
whatever is needed
To go on a tour to the Ijen Crater nature tourism park, you need some equipment, including warm clothes, suitable shoes for climbing, a gas mask, a health certificate from a doctor, ticket reservations and finally snacks.medical equipment, camera, hiking stick and a fit body because you need all of that for safety and comfort when climbing, especially climbing at midnight to enjoy the natural phenomenon of the blue fire of Ijen.
Ijen Crater Entrance Ticket Price
Regarding the entrance ticket price, there are several criteria, including the criteria for local tourists who are charged an entrance ticket rate of Rp35,000 per person and per day and for foreign or international tourists who are charged an entrance fee of Rp150,000 per person per day and for entrance tickets with other purposes such as filming television films or other commercial purposes, a fee of Rp 20 million rupiah per day is charged and for Drone photographers a fee of 2 million rupiah per day is charged and for preweddings a fee of 1 million rupiah per day is charged and there is also insurance that needs to be paid and parking for local tourists insurance of Rp5,000 and foreign tourists of Rp10,000 per person and for motorbike parking fees of 10,000 and for cars of Rp 20,000.
When is the best time to visit ?
The right time to visit the panorama of in May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December and the months that are not good for visiting .The right time to visit the panorama of Mount Ijen is in May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December and the months that are not good for visiting this bird are from January to April due to the rainy season because in the rainy season sometimes poisonous gas often comes out of the Ijen acid lake which causes someone who breathes the air near Ijen to cause their death so it is very dangerous and sometimes even to the point of closure.
Is Ijen closed and when?
This active mountain has a special view that will always be closed every month, namely on the first Friday of the month, namely there are routine activities in maintaining the environmental resources of the Ijen Crater natural tourism park called the Ijen Rijig program and this program has been running since 2019 until now and is a must for maintaining the environment and natural resources.
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