Sukamade Turtle Beach Merubetiri National Park
How can we reach this place ?
For tourists who want to go on holiday, this place requires using a special vehicle, that is, if you are using a motorbike, use a trail motorbike.funds if using a four-wheeled vehicle then a special 4 * 4 Jeep is needed so as not to slip because the terrain to Penyusu Kamade beach passes through steep, slippery rocky roads and must cross a large river. Therefore, if you want to visit this beach, try to come during the dry season so that it is more efficient and can enjoy the natural beauty of the Meru Betiri National Park, namely Sukamade Beach, that is why and why the trip to this place is relatively very expensive because it takes approximately two days and one night to do tourism or adventure activities on this Sukamade turtle beach
What activities can we do?
sukamade turtle beach" activities that we can do are two kinds at night the beach guide will take us around the coast at night and this activity starts at 08.00 pm until midnight and is done to find mother turtles that swim to the edge of the beach to make nests to lay eggs and in the morning around 5 am is the activity of releasing baby turtles to the coast and when we return home during the trip we can stop at a bay The road area to or the direction home from Sukamade Beach we can trek or take a boat to Green Bay by enjoying the beauty of White Sand and the bay which is still pristine which not too many tourists know about.
what needs to be prepared and brought
for the requirements that need to be brought are among others shoes for doing adventures at night then beach clothes and mosquito repellent and equipment for bathing and changing clothes and don't forget to book tickets and rooms and for entrance tickets to the National Park changing themselves turtle beach sukaMade for local tourists is 100,000 and for foreign tourists is 250,000 and for payment of beach guides is 100,000 per person and food and accommodation costs are 500,000 per room. / day.
How much does transportation cost?
for transportation costs alone using a special chip for 2 days 1 night for a maximum capacity of 4 people in one chip of 2 million rupiah per car excluding room and meal costs, entrance tickets and beach guide fees and if you want to stop at Teluk Ijo Beach there is an alternative prayer, namely by climbing for 1 hour walking or by using a getek or small tofu by paying 250,000 per boat and for one boat a maximum of 4 passengers in Sukamade turtle beach
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